Volunteers are the heartbeat of IEST, sparking innovation, driving progress, and amplifying our collective impact. Volunteering isn’t just about giving back—it’s an investment in your growth. Build valuable connections, collaborate with industry peers, and make a meaningful difference. Your fresh ideas and unique perspectives can help shape the future!
IEST welcomes professionals of all experience levels to shape the guidelines and best practices that impact how we do our jobs. In every area of the organization, our volunteer leaders are a driving force in delivering value and bringing our mission and vision to life. Due to IEST’s size and collaborative culture, you can immediately contribute to efforts that shape our industry.
Advance your career. Contribute quickly. Expand your network.
Executive Board
Want to shape the future of IEST? The Executive Board is comprised of a dedicated group of leaders who generously contribute their time and expertise to advance the organization and the profession. As an Executive Board member, your unique perspective and experience will impact IEST’s renowned educational and technical offerings. Learn more about IEST’s elected officer positions or submit a nomination.
Join a Working Group
Have a say in the development of Recommended Practices or Standards by joining a working group. Take a seat at the table and influence guidelines that affect how you do your job and change your professional world for the better. Contact technicaldept@iest.org and we will connect you with the WG chair for more information.
Join the US TAG to ISO/TC 209
Interested in reviewing and developing the ISO 14644 Series Standards? In the United States, IEST is the administrator of the U.S. Technical Advisory Group 209 (ISO/TC 209). U.S. TAG members review and debate the merits of the ISO/TC 209 standards and prepare the U.S. voting position. Experts are also needed to attend the international ISO working group meetings. To learn more about the US TAG to ISO/TC 209, and review the application, click here.
Join an IEST Committee
Consider joining the IEST Education Advisory Committee or the ESTECH Planning Committee. Education Advisory Committee members develop and update IEST's education strategy and programming, including conference training, custom courses, and other educational offerings to meet the needs of members and the industry. ESTECH Planning Committee members help plan and shape ESTECH, IEST’s annual technical meeting, typically held each spring. Want to get involved? Connect with IEST for more information.
Serve as a Session Chair or Presenter
Gain industry contacts and advance the knowledge of professionals in your fields by volunteering at ESTECH, the annual technical meeting of IEST. Session chairs help moderate each session, and are the key contact between the ESTECH Planning Committee and the session presenters. Session presenters share their knowledge with the industry. Interested in becoming an ESTECH session chair or presenter? Contact a member of the ESTECH Planning Committee.
Serve as a Course Instructor
Contribute your teaching experience by applying to become an IEST Faculty member. IEST offers continuing education training courses at conferences, members’ offices, virtually, and at other select locations. Learn more about the IEST Education Program. Take the next step to become an IEST instructor: complete the Instructor Application and IEST Reference Forms, then email both forms to hwooden@iest.org.
Serve as an IEST Membership Ambassador
Membership Ambassadors participate in activities designed to support and enhance IEST membership engagement and recruitment. They specifically focus on enhancing the community and networking benefits IEST seeks to provide by sending welcome emails to new members, providing a forum for members to ask questions and seek advice, and other activities as identified in the membership outreach plan. Most work happens through email or an online community. The estimated time commitment is one to two hours per month. Find out more.
Refer New Members to IEST
IEST members who successfully encourage a friend or colleague to join receive a $50 IEST Reward to use for bookstore orders, training and certificate programs, or conference registrations. Participating in this program is simple: direct your referrals to enter your name in the “How Did You Hear About IEST?” section of their membership application, and we will email you a $50 reward coupon code for each referral. There is no limit to how many reward coupons you can earn. Check out these recruitment resources and rules.
Nominate Peers for IEST Awards
Recognize the technical achievements of outstanding professionals in your industry by nominating your mentors or peers for an IEST Awards. IEST members and non-members are eligible for recommendation, but only IEST members may submit nominations. Find out more or submit a nomination; the deadline is December 15.
Publish in the Journal of the IEST
Share your expertise, gain professional recognition, and contribute to your industry through IEST’s official publication, the Journal of the IEST. The Journal of the IEST reaches a broad spectrum of the technical community and serves as a permanent record of progress in environmental science and technology.
Contribute to the IEST Blog
Interested in sharing your insights and industry experiences with the IEST community? Consider contributing to the IEST Blog! Maybe you've had those moments when you've thought, "Hey, I'd love to discuss this (industry topic, expert in the field, book recommendation, recent event, etc.) with fellow professionals who 'get it'." The IEST Blog is a great platform to share a snapshot of your thoughts. Blog posts are typically no more than 500 words and will be reviewed and edited with assistance from the IEST communications team. Access the IEST Blog and join the ranks of our insightful contributors; contact us today to express your interest in contributing to the IEST Blog.
IEST Past President & Fellow Member Community
All IEST Past Board Presidents and IEST Fellow members are invited to be part of this online community group. Participation in the IEST Past President & Fellow group is optional, for informational exchange purposes only, and is not an IEST Executive Board officer position. Members of this group must have previously served as an IEST Executive Board President or have been named as an IEST Fellow member, and should be passionate about advancing IEST’s purpose and mission and committed to growing the organization. Contact executive@iest.org for more information.
Participate in a Chapter
Activity in a chapter offers additional benefits to members, such as attending and participating in local meetings and facility tours, and exchanging technical information.
“The fellowship and camaraderie among members provides a social dimension. When I have experience and knowledge to share, IEST gives me the opportunity to contribute to the knowledge base of the community. Through IEST, I have developed lifelong friends and colleagues who have helped me advance my professional goals.”
Jon Wilson, Jon S. Wilson Consulting, LLC
IEST Fellow