Did you know IEST has an outreach group committed to working with universities to raise awareness of our organization, to get younger professionals involved earlier on in their career, and to offer training onsite at campus facilities?  IEST is the only organization that exclusively serves professionals in the fields of contamination control, environmental test and reliability, and nanotechnology facilities. We are dedicated to advancing the knowledge of the environmental sciences and technology community by sharing our recognized global expertise in cleanrooms and controlled environments.  IEST offers career resources, publication opportunities, on-site training for engineering, aerospace, applied science, and biochemistry students and faculty, plus the opportunity to learn from and network with industry experts.  

IEST Resources for Students, Recent Grads, Faculty, and Universities

Students & Recent Graduates   Faculty & Universities

Connect and Learn 

Establish Yourself with IEST Membership or Student Subscription
IEST is made up of professionals from all areas of the controlled environment community, including academia, biotechnology, chemists, consultants, defense & aerospace, electrical manufacturing, industrial engineering, mechanical engineering scientists, and more.  We offer a free Student Subscription and a highly discounted Young Professional membership for master’s students or recent graduates.  IEST recognizes and values our future experts and leaders in the industries we serve - join our network today!  
Young Professional Member
Student Subscription


Secure Faculty Membership or a University Membership Package
IEST members have access to our full network of internationally recognized experts, the full searchable database for Journal of the IEST, and savings on publications, conferences, training programs, and more.  We offer a Faculty Professional Membership, a highly discounted Young Professional membership for master’s students or recent graduates, and a free Student Subscription as well.  Connect with IEST about how we can create a University Membership package that works best for you. 
Faculty Members
Young Professionals
Student Subscriptions

Learn and Connect at IEST Training Courses
IEST offers live training courses, online training, in-depth interactive select site courses, custom training classes, and full-and half-day tutorials and seminars.  There are many opportunities to learn during the ESTECH annual conference, the EDUCON Fall education conference and working group summit, and the bi-annual Space Simulation Conference.  Students can take advantage of discounts and special offers to learn from experts and connect with professionals in the industry.
IEST Training & Certificate Programs


IEST Training Courses & University Cleanroom Collaborations
There’s nothing more valuable than hands-on training!  In addition to offering year-round training both in person and virtually, IEST collaborates with universities to bring courses on-site and hold IEST training in university cleanroom facilities.  Connect with us today to find out more about how IEST can bring training to your campus, and what incentives you’ll receive for hosting the training. 
Submit your Inquiry to Find out More

Collaborate with IEST Experts 

Access IEST Recommended Practices and Bookstore 
IEST publishes standards and Recommended Practices (RPs), sharing up-to-date, reliable technical information in the fields of contamination control, design, test and evaluation, product reliability, and nanotechnology facilities that provide standardized procedures based upon peer-approved applications of environmental technology. Find out if your university faculty has subscribed to the IEST Bookstore, and if not, recommend they purchase a subscription for student access.  Access RPs, Standards, and other technical documents and check out the Working Groups to find out how you can observe the RP development process in action.
IEST Recommended Practices
IEST Bookstore


Develop IEST Recommended Practices: Join a Working Group
IEST Working Groups (WG) develop Recommended Practices that provide standardized procedures based on peer-approved applications of environmental technology.  WG members determine, through cooperative effort, what issues to address and what procedures to include in each consensus document.  As a research scientist, you have expertise in the science behind the industries we serve and are invited to participate.  Plus, you can extend the invitation to your students to observe to see the document development process in action and learn more about topics and technology.  
IEST Working Groups

IEST Experts, Career Path Webinars, and IEST Career Center
Getting your degree is exciting, but searching for a job can be overwhelming. Wondering what the day-to-day on the job looks like? Curious if you have the education and experience to be a competitive candidate for your dream job? Want to know next steps for your career path?  IEST will host a free webinar (once per fall and spring semester) where you can hear from leaders and ask these questions and more. Plus, members and subscribers have year-round access to the IEST Career Center that offers high-quality, relevant job postings, personalized job alerts, free resume templates, and other resources
IEST Career Center
Career Advice Webinars
(coming soon)


IEST Experts On-Demand - Get Answers to Technical Questions
Do you have a technical question? IEST can help—our WG publish RRs that are based on peer-approved applications of environmental technology and share up-to-date, reliable technical information in the fields of contamination control, environmental test and product reliability, and nanotechnology facilities.  Technical questions can often be resolved within a specific RP, or for more detailed questions, you can contact the appropriate IEST WG Chair or a WG member. The IEST membership directory provides access to contact information or visit IEST’s LinkedIn page to connect with others. 
Recommended Practices
Membership Directory
LinkedIn Group


Contribute and Stay Informed

Stay Informed, Get Published - the Journal of the IEST 
The Journal of the IEST is the official publication of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology, with continuous publication since 1958. It serves as a permanent record of progress in environmental science and technology and reaches a broad spectrum of the technical community, providing international exposure for its authors.  The Journal of the IEST invites you to publish your paper, and if selected for publication, your paper will be eligible for the prestigious Maurice Simpson Technical Editors Award.  
Access the Journal of the IEST
Submit a paper to the Journal of the IEST


Get Informed through IEST Industry Professionals Bureau
Interested in sharing more about the industry through a presentation from an IEST leader? Submit a request to invite an IEST member/expert/leader to give a short presentation (approximately 1-hour) that will include an overview of the different jobs our members do, how this relates to university classes, and what students and young professionals should keep in mind as they develop their careers. Presentations will be offered in-person or virtual, depending on location and availability. 
IEST Industry Professionals Bureau
(coming soon)


Connect with IEST to find out more!

If you still aren’t sure where to begin, contact IEST and we can point you in the right direction to find out more about what you need to know.

IEST Inquiry Form     | Phone: 847-981-0100 |     Email: information@iest.org     |     Subscribe to IEST