IEST webinar's are now available on-demand to purchase!* View the courses below that are currently available. More content coming soon.

Test and Reliability Training

Contamination Control Training


Frequently Asked Questions

Introduction to Environmental Testing 101

Enhance your new employee onboarding program with a Environmental Testing 101 on-demand training.  This webinar covers approximately 1 hour of content, and is a great way to begin training your team or starting orientation with a new employee! This webinar will provide you with the core environmental-testing knowledge that you need to be successful. It will help you begin to master your role in the process. You will gain information about Dynamic, Climatic, and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) testing. 


Member: $75
Non-member: $125
Corporate Members: Free - included with IEST Corporate Member packages; contact IEST

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Introduction to Cleanrooms 101

Enhance your new employee onboarding program with a Cleanrooms 101 on-demand training.  This webinar covers approximately 1 hour of content, and is a great way to begin training your team or starting orientation with a new employee! This webinar provides a detailed overview of cleanrooms, applicable to the beginner but also of relevance to the more experienced cleanroom professional. 


Member: $75
Non-member: $125
Corporate Members: Free - included with IEST Corporate Member packages; contact IEST

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10 Steps to Successful Qualification Testing Webinar

Execution of a product qualification test program is a multifaceted venture.  Many technical issues arise due to the complex nature of the environments and products being tested.  However, a qualification program comprises much more scope than testing alone.  This short course provides a “Top Ten” list of critical considerations for planning and executing a qualification test program.  Topics discussed during the session include requirements development and specifications, understanding the application, working with the environmental lab and support organizations planning for test success, and documentation considerations.  The overall goal of this course is to inform engineers, program managers, and other involved professionals of the complexities of product qualification to better prepare them to ask the right questions of their support personnel.

Member: $195
Non-member: $275
CEUs: .2

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Airborne Particle Sampling Techniques: Challenges and Potential Solutions

Cleanroom classification and monitoring, particle sampling tubes, and structures that allow us to reach critical locations are always challenging. The total distance from the sampling location to the particle counter, number of bends, and also radius are critical.  It is important to make sure that the setup you have designed is suitable for its intended use. This webinar aims to provide information on how to gather appropriate, accurate, and repeatable data, and how to interpret this information to improve process protection.


Member: $95
No-member: $155
CEUs: .1

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Roadmap to Developing a Contamination Control Strategy in Pass-Thru Applications

This webinar will cover a risk-based approach to pass thru decon of critical items into cleanrooms, opened RABS, pass thru chambers, and BSC Hoods. There will be a focus on how to control hard to kill fungal spores such as Aspergillus and Chaetomium as well as bacterial spores and viruses (enveloped and non-enveloped). Recent case studies from the past few months in cell and gene therapy and compounding pharmacies will be discussed in relation to pass thru decon best practices. Published data will also be presented to convey effective methods in controlling bioburden into the APA. A focus on sanitizer, disinfectant, and sporicidal chemistries as well as other new technologies such as UV light will be discussed. This presentation well be a holistic approach to controlling bioburden from entering BSC Hoods and cleanroom operations.


Member: $95
No-member: $155
CEUs: .1

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Microbiology for Non-microbiologists

This 2 hour training will cover the basics of understanding microbes, their growth requirements and the effect microbial contamination may have on product and patient. This training is developed for personnel who have little or no microbiology knowledge and are required to perform microbiology related functions All areas in medical products manufacturing and cleanroom operations will be discussed. Additionally, microbiological test methods and sterility assurance will also be explained. Topics covered in this training will include:

  • Understanding aerobic and anaerobic bacteria, their sources and growth requirements
  • Types of media used for bacterial growth
  • Gram staining methods for differentiating bacterial types
  • Infection pathways of bacterial isolates
  • Discussion of fungal types, sources, morphology and growth patterns
  • Challenges in identifying mold
  • How mold adapts and infects
  • Differences between enveloped and unenveloped viruses
  • Cleanroom design flaws that increase microbial contamination
  • How airflows within a cleanroom can disseminate contamination
  • Understanding the science behind gowning to control human borne contamination in cleanrooms
  • The science behind disinfection and cleaning- chemical and physical removal of contaminants
  • Common errors made in fogging
  • Test methods commonly used to detect microbial contamination 
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Bioburden tests
  • Sterility tests
  • Pathogen specific assessments


Member: $95
No-member: $155
CEUs: .1

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Hard to Kill Stuff: Radiation and Disinfectant Resistance in Microorganisms

This presentation aims to review the strategies by which microorganisms thrive in extreme radiation environments, extreme temperatures, in contaminated environments, at varying pH and salt levels. Beyond radiation resistance, the mechanisms microorganisms utilize to circumvent biocidal activities will also be discussed. Due to the limited research of such radio tolerant and disinfection resistant microorganisms, the major challenges that lie ahead will  also be  examined.


Member: $95
No-member: $155
CEUs: .1

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Practical Considerations for Implementing a GMP Annex 1 CCS - Ethylene Oxide Sterilization

This module will provide an understanding of ethylene oxide (EO) properties, use, and validation of an EO sterilization process.  Relevant parts of the current draft 12 of Annex I will also be covered.   Though often prescribed as a sterilization method of last resort, over half of all single-use medical devices globally are terminally sterilized with EO. This workshop will provide an understanding of: properties that impact the lethality of EO; equipment used to deliver, control, and monitor an EO sterilization process; and proper qualification (i.e., validation) considerations. Relevant industry guidance will also be discussed to provide an understanding of what is required (and recommended) to ensure compliance.


Member: $95
No-member: $155
CEUs: .1

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Selecting the Right Accelerometer

The course will focus on providing guidelines for the selection and application of accelerometers that are used in the measurement of shock and vibration. The course is based upon the IEST Recommend Practice (RP) document IEST-RP-DTE011: Mechanical Shock and Vibration Accelerometer Selection. The focus will be on the practical use of the devices and will act as an introductory course on accelerometers.


Member: $225
Non-member: $285
CEUS: .3

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Airflow Visualizsation (AKA Smoke Studies) Techniques and Technology

Understanding airflow patterns in cleanrooms and controlled environments is an important aspect in contamination control.  Personnel, equipment, and material flow can influence airflow and affect contamination levels in even the most well-designed cleanrooms.

Air Flow Visualization (AFV) studies, sometimes referred to as “Smoke Studies” are useful in providing a visual representation of air flow in cleanrooms.  These studies (or series of tests) can also be useful in troubleshooting cleanroom contamination issues resulting from undetected air patterns that limit a cleanrooms ability to provide adequate contamination control.Though considered an optional test as listed in the international cleanroom standard, “ISO 14644-3:2019, Airflow Visualization is an expected test by pharmaceutical inspection authorities and mentioned in FDA, PIC/S and USP guidance documents. This 3-hour training will go into detail the techniques and technology behind smoke studies.


Member: $225
Non-member: $285
CEUS: .3

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Practical Considerations for Implementing a GMP Annex 1 CCS - Scope and Principle

A significant change in requirements, recommendations and detailed specifications are included in the GMP Annex 1 drafts. While the intent of Annex 1 is to provide guidance for the manufactures of sterile products; some of the principles and guidance such as a Contamination Control Strategy (CCS), facility design, cleanroom classification, qualification, monitoring, and personnel gowning may be used to support other medical product manufacturing.

This session will include:

  • Brief history of the document and the reasons behind the updates.
  • Discussion regarding the scope and its extension into non-sterile manufacturing.
  • Introduction to the various sections of the CCS


Member: $95
No-member: $155
CEUs: .1

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Practical Considerations for Implementing a GMP Annex 1 CCS - Premises and Equipment

Cleanrooms are high technology environments designed to control and limit airborne particles and other types of contamination. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has a series of standards for cleanrooms and contamination control.  These standards are a baseline that is applicable for all industries. Cleanrooms used for medical products such as pharmaceuticals have additional requirements (beyond cleanrooms used in other industries) and regulations that apply to the design, construction, qualification, and operation. GMP Annex 1 introduces a grade system related to cleanroom occupancy states that utilizes the ISO 14644 series of standards but places particle and microbial limits assigned to each grade based upon the occupancy state of each grade.

Additionally the qualification testing of cleanrooms in Annex 1 calls for very specific testing such as:

  • Installed filter leakage and integrity testing.
  • Airflow measurement - Volume and velocity.
  • Air pressure difference measurement.
  •  Airflow direction and visualisation.
  • Microbial airborne and surface contamination.
  • Temperature measurement.
  • Relative humidity measurement.
  • Recovery testing.
  • Containment leak testing.

This 3-hour module will address:

  • Cleanroom concepts
  • Cleanroom and barrier system integration
  • Door openings and ingress of contamination
  • Passthrough designs
  • Airflow disruptions due to to inadequate cleanroom design
  • Case studies and regulatory observations related to cleanroom flaws that have led to environmental monitoring excursions, media fill failures, product failures, regulatory observations, warning letters , import alerts and patient harm.


Member Regular: $225
Nonmember Regular: $285
CEUs: .3

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Practical Considerations for Implementing a GMP Annex 1 CCS - Cleaning And Disinfection

This module provide a roadmap to the cleaning and disinfection process by covering current industry trends, global regulatory expectations, and essential elements needed to keep the cleanroom in a state of continuous control.  The current draft 12 of Annex 1 related to cleaning and disinfection includes RABS cleaning, drain cleaning, pass thru decon, disinfectant rotation, and residue removal which will all be covered.   Cleaning and disinfection are a critical component of a successful contamination control strategy.  There will be an in-depth discussion on current industry regulations.  Sanitizers, disinfectants and sterilant technologies, operator safety, and applications of these products will be discussed.   Videos will be shown to cover the usage and effective application techniques with these products. Current industry trends in disinfectant rotation, biocidal sterility, application techniques, SOP development, and rinsing and residue removal will be discussed.  Regulatory expectations of FDA, MHRA, ANVISA, ANMAT, HPRA, EMA, IFM, and ANSM inspectors will be discussed.  The current draft version 12 of Annex I, USP 43 <1072>, PDA Technical Report #70, IEST-RP-CC-018.5, and other industry related guidance documents will be covered.  The attendees will gain a stronger understanding of current industry trends regarding cleaning and disinfection best practices and how to design an effective risk-based contamination control strategy. Recent industry FDA Warning Letters, FDA 483’s, and case studies will be covered as teaching tools.


Member: $95
No-member: $155
CEUs: .1

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Practical Considerations for Implementing a GMP Annex 1 CCS - Personnel

This comprehensive module on “Personnel” has been developed to meet the requirements as highlighted in the revision of GMP Annex 1 as part of the  Contamination Control Strategy.

  • Overview of contamination generated or brought in by personnel into the cleanrooms. 
  • Guidance on development of gown choice and management program to ensure integrity of garments and protection of product.
  • Goggle choice and management for controlling personnel borne contamination of open product.
  • Importance of glove choice and gloving procedures as a part of CCS.
  • Gowning procedures, best practices and common mistakes.
  • Training, qualification and disqualification of personnel.
  • Managing and analyzing personnel monitoring data.
  • Using of airflow visualization as a pert of qualification and training of aseptic personnel as required per GMP Annex 1 and current regulatory thinking.


Member: $95
No-member: $155
CEUs: .1

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Practical Considerations for Implementing a GMP Annex 1 CCS - Radiation Processes and Dose Settings

This module will cover the following:

  • Overview of sterilization
  • Traditional sterilization methods
  • Dry Heat
  • Moist Heat
  • Radiation (Gamma E Beam and X Ray)
  • EO (traditional and SEO)

It will also describe and compare the three Ionizing radiation processes (Gamma, E Beam and X-ray and includes how each is delivered, areas of use, benefits and limitations, availability and guidance in references and standards on validation of sterilization doses to make a claim for terminal product sterilization. 

Defining and comparing Gamma, Electron Beam and X-ray irradiation will be discussed with this additional information:

  • How they are produced
  • Comparison of key function properties
  • Benefits of Ionizing processes
  • Reference and Guidance Standards that apply
  • Dose setting Process for a Sterility Assurance Claim
  • Considerations in deciding to use radiation processes
    • Materials effects
    • Validation time
    • Maintaining a validation with audits


Member: $95
No-member: $155
CEUs: .1

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Practical Considerations for Implementing a GMP Annex 1 CCS - Viable Monitoring

This comprehensive module on “Viable Monitoring” has been developed to meet the requirements as highlighted in the revision of GMP Annex 1 as part of the  Contamination Control Strategy.

  • Choice of viable monitoring equipment.
  • Media choice and management.
  • Incubation time and temperature.
  • Setting up alert and action levels.
  • Frequency of monitoring.
  • How to set up risk-based monitoring sites using airflow visualization per Annex 1 requirements.
  • Viable monitoring for performance qualification and routine monitoring.
  • Microbial identification; how and how much.
  • Personnel monitoring.
  • Monitoring of process gases.
  • Development and review of EM trend reports.


Member: $95
No-member: $155
CEUs: .1

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Practical Considerations for Implementing a GMP Annex 1 CCS: Quality Control

The quality control (QC) microbiology laboratory plays an essential role in pharmaceutical manufacturing and product release. It is responsible for multiple tasks, including: Environmental monitoring (sampling, bioburden counts, microbial identifications, and tracking and trending of data, and product release tests). Microbiology QC testing of the environment and products provide solutions to reduce microbial contamination, cross-contamination as well as detect contamination in products saving patients from harm. FDA 483 observations and case studies will be used to explain the reasons behind testing errors and their impact on product and patient.


Member: $95
No-member: $155
CEUs: .1

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Contamination Fallout in the Cleanroom: Monitoring Airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC) and Surface Molecular Contamination (SMC) to Minimize Impact

The purpose of this webinar is to provide an overview of AMC and SMC and its impact on manufacturing.  To achieve world class manufacturing, there must be a delicate balance between AMC and SMC control in a cleanroom and adherence to the manufacturing production schedule.  It is preferable to control cleanroom contamination earlier and in a proactive manner than for it to cause a bottleneck constraint in the manufacturing process.  

This webinar reviews the general requirements and classification for a cleanroom to provide cleanliness integrity for product assembly and manufacturing.  We will discuss contamination fallout of Airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC), their sources and challenges to control AMC, and continuous monitoring using online instrumentation and grab sampling techniques.  AMC reduction starts with the deliberate selection of cleanroom build materials, cleanroom consumables, and the product’s build of materials.

Airborne Molecular Contamination (AMC) can result in Surface Molecular Contamination (SMC) that affects the product performance.  The control of SMC in the cleanroom requires an understanding of its mobility and transfer through cross-contamination during the manufacturing process.  Operation in the cleanroom with Clean Manufacturing and BKMs (Best Known Methods) is required to minimize the impact of SMC to the product performance.  

We will discuss BKM for wiper selection and wipe-down procedure of critical surfaces, Case studies of cleanroom metal surface contamination mapping are presented that can reveal contamination hot spots and poor adherence to Clean Manufacturing procedures. 


Member: $195
No-member: $275
CEUs: .2

Click here to purchase

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: How will I access the recording?

A: You will receive an email after your purchase with a link to the recording. You will be returned to type in your name and email before the recording is played. You will have access to view the recording for 30 days.

Q: Can the recording be view more than once?

A: Yes, you can view the recording more than once. Just use the same link that was emailed to you.

Q: Can multiple people view the recording?

A: No, the recording purchases are for one individual and you will be required to type in your name and email before the recording is played. If more than one individual would like to listen to the training, you will need to purchase the recording individually for them.

Q: Are CEUs issued for these classes?

A: Yes, CEUs are issued for these classes. These units will be applyed to your transcript on your IEST account. You can access this by clicking here.  You must login to your IEST account. This information is periodically updated and not updated in real time. If you need a certificate of completion emailed to you, please send your request to

Q: Do we receive a copy of the print presentation?

A: If you would like to receive a PDF copy of the presentations, please send an email to These are not automatically sent.

*Note: These recordings have been unedited and some have been recorded live. Refunds will not be giving for recording quality.