Complimentary Tech Talk Articles

To provide our audience with “hands on” knowledge that can be applied within the lab, cleanroom, or other facility, the Journal of the IEST solicits practical technical articles for publication. IEST is devoted to publishing research in environmental sciences and technologies with an emphasis on topics related to contamination control in electronics manufacturing, pharmaceutical and biotechnology processes, and aerospace applications; design, test, and evaluation of commercial and military equipment; and product reliability issues associated with commercial and military systems.

Tech Talk articles focus on the following topics:
• Problem-solving and related techniques
• Cost-cutting measures and strategies for coping with budget constraints
• “How to” methods
• Experiences learned and knowledge gained in the field
• Industry or technological trends and timely issues
• Research direction(s) and experimental approach(es); clearly identified conclusions with supporting rationale and associated recommendations where appropriate
• Summaries, condensations, or implications of significant published standards or government reports
• Unique facilities and built environment systems
• Development and applications of instrumentation and new technology

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