Julie Jennings
Introduction to Environmental Testing
This webinar will provide you with the core environmental-testing knowledge that you need to be successful. It will help you begin to master your role in the process. You will gain information about Dynamic, Climatic, and Electromagnetic Interference (EMI) testing.
Member $95
Nonmember $155
Click here to purchase.

Nick Clickinbeard

Erin Berry
10 Steps to a Successful Qualification Test Program
Execution of a product qualification test program is a multifaceted venture. Many technical issues arise due to the complex nature of the environments and products being tested. However, a qualification program comprises much more scope than testing alone. This short course provides a “Top Ten” list of critical considerations for planning and executing a qualification test program. Topics discussed during the session include requirements development and specifications, understanding the application, working with the environmental lab and support organizations planning for test success, and documentation considerations. The overall goal of this course is to inform engineers, program managers, and other involved professionals of the complexities of product qualification to better prepare them to ask the right questions of their support personnel.
Member $95
Nonmember $155
Click here to purchase.

David Sgro
How to (and Whether) to Build an In-house Test Facility
This webinar will provide the user with the necessary information to decide if building internal test capability is appropriate. We will review the pro’s and con’s of utilizing 3rd party test labs vs running an internal facility. We will go through the step by step methodology the instructor used to create his own internal lab including ways to establish Return on Investment (ROI) calculations, test equipment trade studies, working with facilities, and laying out the lab.
Member $95
Nonmember $155
Click here to purchase
Supplemental Modules |

Nick Clickinbeard
Strategic Procurement of Shock and Vibration Test Equipment
This course is designed to arm environmental testing managers with the knowledge and skills necessary to judiciously procure shock and vibration test equipment. Participants will learn how to align acquisition with organizational goals by ensuring the selection of equipment that meets the evolving needs of the testing environment.
Course Objectives:
a. Understand the strategic importance of shock and vibration testing in product development and reliability.
b. Develop an equipment needs assessment process.
c. Master the evaluation of different shock and vibration test equipment types and technologies.
d. Optimize equipment selection based on cost, performance, and long-term value.
e. Build strong relationships with equipment suppliers and maintainers.
Member $95
Nonmember $155
Coming soon.
David Gibbons
( LinkedIn)
Mastering the Art of Climatic Testing Equipment Procurement
This course is designed to equip professionals with the knowledge and skills necessary to confidently order climatic testing equipment. Participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of the climatic testing process, the various types of equipment available, and the critical factors to consider when making purchasing decisions, including the assessment of facility constraints.
Course Objectives:
a. Identify specific climatic testing needs based on product requirements and industry standards.
b. Understand the different types of climatic testing equipment and their capabilities.
c. Develop a structured approach to evaluating equipment specifications and performance parameters.
d. Create detailed equipment specifications and purchase orders.
e. Manage the equipment installation, commissioning, and validation process.
f. Assess facility constraints and their impact on equipment selection and installation.
Member $95
Nonmember $155
Click here to purchase

Andy Anderson
Building a Successful Environment Test Lab Team
This module will address the personnel selection and development issues managers for environmental labs need to deal with. The issues addressed can be broadly grouped into:
a. Education background
b. Technical skills
c. Communication skills
d. Motivation and adaptability
e. Career development
Due to the variety of corporate and institutional cultures existing in the industry, no single approach to environmental lab personnel selection and development is appropriate. This section will review select case situations with an idea of identifying opportunities for practical guidance suitable for managers. The webinar will be highly interactive and there will be opportunity for role playing.
Member $95
Nonmember $155
Click here to purchase

Ben Shank
Safely Testing Dangerous Products
Sometimes the item under test necessarily poses a risk to equipment and personnel in the immediate vicinity. The risk may be mechanical (e.g. explosives), chemical or electrical in nature. This course is designed to help procurement agents, planners and managers understand and mitigate these risks.
Member $95
Nonmember $155
Coming soon.

David Sgro
How to Specify Outsourced Testing
Working with 3rd party test lab facilities is easy as long as you know exactly what you want for testing. This webinar will help users generate the necessary information required to quickly obtain quotes and avoid long cycles of going back and forth between the lab and your team. Complex testing requires a lot more thought and details to help the lab understand your product and what you are asking for. Never assume the lab knows your product as well as you know your system. We will cover items such as test planning, visiting labs, listing out a matrix of test capabilities, test witnessing (onsite and remotely), as well as other details.
Member $95
Nonmember $155
Coming soon.
Details coming soon
Fixturing and Understanding Test Reports
Information coming soon.
Details coming soon.
Teaming with the Alternatives to Testing
We have a strong bias toward going into the lab, but we know that Qualification by Similarity(QBS) and Qualification by Analysis(QBA) is a very attractive choice for managers. This module will address when these are appropriate options and when they are not.