Recommended Practice (RP) IEST-RP-DTE040.1 focuses on high-intensity acoustics testing (HIAT) within reverberant chambers, although a direct field acoustic test is also briefly described. This RP is intended for use as a high-level guide for practicing engineers and engineering managers for planning and executing an acoustic test program. The user’s expected level of knowledge in acoustics and general hardware testing is medium to high. A brief overview of the acoustic environment encountered by aeronautical and aerospace systems and the simulation that can be achieved in a HIAT chamber is followed by test philosophy, the description of a few typical test facilities, the discussion of test articles for various tests, the development of test specifications under different conditions, the requirement of instrumentation and data processing, and the procedures of test operation. A bibliography and references are included.

First printing, January 2003

High-Intensity Acoustics Testing was prepared by Subgroup 1 of Working Group 040 of the IEST Design, Test, and Evaluation Division (WG-DTE040).


Direct Field Acoustic Testing
Subgroup 2 of WG-DTE040 is developing an RP titled Direct Field Acoustic Testing, intended for use as a high-level guide for practicing engineers and engineering managers in the planning and execution of a Direct Field Acoustic Test (DFAT) program. The RP will discuss methods of sound field control and describe a typical test setup.