The purpose of this Recommended Practice (RP), IEST-RP-DTE009.1, is to define an orderly approach that addresses the major issues involved in selecting a shaker for dynamic testing. In some cases, this selection process is associated with deciding which shaker system to procure. In other cases, the user will already have shaker systems available (in-house or at commercial test laboratories) and must decide which one is best suited for the task at hand. The process is the same in either case.
Shakers are generally used for sine vibration, random vibration, and many types of shock tests.
It is the intent of this document to cover the following applications for shakers: simulation of operating conditions, design qualification tests, transportation simulation, and vibration for environmental stress screening (ESS).
All major types of shaker systems are included in the discussions, namely: electrodynamic (E-D), servo-hydraulic (hydraulic), mechanical, and pneumatic impactor. In the context of this Recommended Practice, a shaker system includes the power supply (electronic, hydraulic, or pneumatic) as well as the cooling system required for the shaker system. Closed-loop control systems (required to run tests on E-D and hydraulic shakers) are addressed in a different RP.
Second printing, October 1999
Vibration Shaker System Selection was prepared by Working Group 009 of the IEST Design, Test, and Evaluation Division (WG-DTE009)