This Recommended Practice (RP), IEST-RP-CC003.5, addresses the gowning of personnel as a critical aspect of cleanroom contamination control. Specification and use of an appropriate gowning system is essential in limiting human-generated contamination from reaching and affecting product or processes in the cleanroom. IEST-RP-CC003.5 provides nonmandatory guidance for the selection, specification, maintenance, and testing of garments or apparel and accessories appropriate for use in nonaseptic and aseptic environments

This RP is intended to assist the end user, system designer, supplier, and processor in defining required performance criteria, test methods, and procedures for gowning system use and maintenance, as well as in developing a quality control plan for the apparel and accessories that may be included in the system. This edition contains a section on the use of advanced tracking systems, such as barcodes and radio-frequency identification (RFID) chips, to monitor garment service life. Also provided is a section describing types of fabrics and relevant properties and methods of testing of the materials used in cleanroom garments, as well as the design and construction of appropriate configurations and special features of such garments.

Included with this RP are the following supplements as Appendixes:

APPENDIX A. Recommended Garment System Configurations Applicable to Various Air Cleanliness Environments, which identifies garment system configurations for different classes of air cleanliness

APPENDIX B. Guide to Measuring Cleanroom Garments, which provides recommended garment measurement specifications

APPENDIX C. Recommended Requirements for Garments That Protect in Short Duration Fire and Arc Flash Hazards, which provides considerations for adapting flame resistant (FR) garments for use in cleanrooms or other controlled environments

APPENDIX D. Testing, which provides test recommendations and methods that allow for meaningful evaluation of the efficacy of garment system contamination control procedures  

APPENDIX E. Bibliography

First printing, March 2023 (Supersedes previous versions, including IEST-RP-CC003.4, IEST-RP-CC003.3, IEST-RP-CC003.2, IES-RP-CC-003-89)

Garment System Considerations for Cleanrooms and Other Controlled Environments was prepared by Working Group 003 of the IEST Contamination Control Division (WG-CC003).


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