This Guideline, IEST-G-CC035.1, describes areas of concern when considering filtration systems that will be effective in eliminating trace amounts of airborne molecular contamination (AMC), here defined as less than 1 part per million by volume (ppmv), from the air supplied to cleanrooms and other controlled environments. This document discusses various applications, potential points of use, filtration methods, materials of construction, performance comparison, and follow-up assessment, secondary impacts of the filters on the rest of the heating, ventilating and air-conditioning (HVAC) system, and exterior impacts on the filtration system (including environmental conditions, upsets, and spills). The Guideline establishes the types of information required to design and implement an effective AMC filtration system. While this document is targeted at cleanroom facilities, it could also provide a framework for other applications such as, but not limited to, laminar flow stations, minienvironments, isolators, and glove boxes.
First printing, July 2009
Design Considerations for Airborne Molecular Contamination Filtration Systems in Cleanrooms and Other Controlled Environments was prepared by Working Group 035 of the IEST Contamination Control Division (WG-CC035).