Hotel Information
Support the nonprofit Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) by staying at the event hotel. Attendee and exhibitor support of the official show hotel helps us offset rental cost of the meeting space and avoid any attrition penalty fees for rooms not used.

Renaissance Orlando
1905 Hotel Plaza Boulevard, Lake Buena Vista, Florida
Phone: 407-828-2828
IEST Regular Group Rate: $149 per night plus $15 resort fee
Deadline April 13
Hotel room rate includes complimentary wireless internet in the guest room. Self parking is a discounted rate of $15 a night.
Click here to make your online hotel reservations
Important Note: If you will have more than 2 guests during your stay, the reservation will show a $25 additional guest fee (per person), however the "additional guest" fee will not apply to those booking through the IEST reservation link. You may see the additional guest fee, but will NOT be charged and the credit card used to hold the reservation is not charged at the time of the booking. Alternatively, you can book your room and contact the hotel directly to add guests by calling (407) 828-2828.
Beware of Unauthorized Hotel Solicitations:
"For-profit" housing companies are contacting exhibitors and attendees encouraging them to use their services to reserve hotel rooms. IEST is NOT affiliated with any of these groups. Beware that entering into a financial agreement with non-endorsed companies can have costly consequences.
IEST has not contracted with other vendors to provide hotel rooms. If you receive a call from a company asking you to book through them for an ESTECH hotel room, do not. The only way to book a hotel room for ESTECH is through the hotel's direct website. For a list of some of the unauthorized housing companies, click here.