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Senior Faculty
Robert L. (Andy) Anderson
Robert L. (Andy) Anderson has over 35 years experience in the test industry, most recently serving as Dynamics Manager for NTS in El Segundo. His work experience includes contributions to the Ground Combat Systems Division of BAE Systems, where he served as Test Manager on the FCS program, B.F. Goodrich as test engineer, and Hughes Helicopters as flight engineer. Andy began his career as a test technician and engineer at Wyle Laboratories. Andy has a BSEE from Tufts University and has done graduate work in control theory and business management at Northrop University and Mankato State University. Andy is a 30 year member of the Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology (IEST) where he served in many positions, including President of the Institute in 2004. Andy serves on many test committees and is a standing member of DETEC, the governing body for Mil-STD 810G where he is the recognized SME for a number of the test methods. Andy teaches courses on shock and vibration test techniques and test management.
Associate Faculty
Nick Clinkinbeard
Nick Clinkinbeard is a Principal Mechanical Engineer in the Rockwell Collins Environmental Effects Engineering department, focusing on all aspects of structural dynamics for equipment fielded primarily in military and civil aerospace applications. His duties include structural analysis, requirements and design guidance, testing support, and peer mentorship. In addition, Nick provides vibration and shock training for Rockwell Collins, conducted through class settings and a Vibration and Structural Analysis Community of Practice, and including such topics as requirements analysis, design considerations, testing fundamentals, and finite element analysis. He also lead the development of internal Environmental Design Guidelines to provide engineers a combined dynamics/climatics reference document for requirements interpretation, test methodologies, and conceptual and practice-based design guidelines.
Ronald Merritt
Ronald G. Merritt has a Ph.D. in Engineering Mechanics. From May 1977 to September 2010 he was employed as a Mechanical Engineer in the Life Cycle Environmental Engineering area at the Naval Air Warfare Center Weapons Division (NAWCWD), China Lake, CA. From September 2010 to December 2014 was a contractor with Jacobs Technology with work related in the same area of NAWCWD. From January 2015 to present is a contractor with ATAC. He is a Fellow of the IEST and Associate Fellow of NAWCWD. His interests reflected in several published papers include statistical characterization and processing of measured vibration and shock environments for laboratory test specification development.
Stanley Poynor
Stanley Poynor is a Past-President of the IEST who has worked in the environmental engineering area for over 35 years, and was a contributing author to the IEST Recommended Practices for HALT and HASS and Transducer Selection. He has a B.S.A.E from University of Texas at Arlington and M.S.A.E from Georgia Tech. Started as Propulsion and Thermodynamics engineer at Rocketdyne, later moved to what became Lockheed Martin, and switched to environmental engineer. He a Fellow at Lockheed Martin, has written a number of papers presented at IEST and Shock and Vibration conferences.
David Sgro
Dave Sgro is the principal test and validation engineer for Anduril Industries imaging group, where he is responsible for requirements derivation, test planning, test execution, instrumentation, documentation and many other tasks at the system and sub system levels. He has been in the field of environmental test for over 15 years. Dave previously worked at FLIR systems where he was the principal qualification test engineer and stood up a $1mill ETL in the Billerica Facility. Dave began his career at Raytheon in the Environmental test lab where he lead test programs, worked on red team projects, conducted testing in the field, and also moonlighted as the hardware lead for the nose cone section of a major missile program. He is a former IEST Board of Directors member where he held the office as president for the organization and tech VP for DTE/PR. Dave holds a bachelor’s degree from Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston.