IEST-RP-CC053.1 Considerations for Robotics and Automation in Cleanrooms and Other Controlled Environments provides appropriate contamination control considerations for the deployment of robotics in cleanrooms and other controlled environments. This information assists designers and users in the proper application of recommended principles for facility design and operations.
The RP is limited to the design and qualification of cleanroom and controlled environment robots. This document is not intended to provide safety specifications for robotic equipment. Computerization and validation of software is not a consideration for this RP. This RP also addresses specific testing, commissioning, qualification for robots and robotic systems in their operational environment.
This RP does not address robotic systems that are designed in production tools and equipment or robotic systems that have dedicated environments. Additionally, this document does not address transport systems or elevator systems.
First printing: March 2024
Document prepared by Working Group 053 of the IEST Contamination Control Division (WG-CC053).