This Recommended Practice (RP), IEST-RP-CC002.4, covers definitions, procedures for evaluating performance, and major requirements of unidirectional-flow, clean-air devices. The RP may be used to define a basis of agreement between customer and supplier in the specification, procurement, and certification testing of unidirectional-flow, clean-air devices with self-contained motorblower(s) and powered terminal units with replaceable filter. This document also presents recommendations for recertification of devices owned by the customer, under direction of the customer.
First printing, March 2009
(Supersedes previous versions, including IEST-RP-CC002.3, IEST-RP-CC002.2, IES-RP-CC-002-86)
Unidirectional-Flow, Clean-Air Devices was prepared by Working Group 002 of the IEST Contamination Control Division. (WG-CC002)