IEST, your non-profit association, is recognized around the world as a preeminent knowledge resource in the industries we serve. Our conferences and events bring professionals together for training, sessions, expositions, networking, and much more. We are OMB compliant!
ESTECH 2025, the Annual Technical Meeting & Exposition of IEST
May 5-8, 2025 - Orlando, Florida
The ESTECH Annual Meeting is the leading conference for professionals in the fields of contamination control, cleanrooms, controlled environments, product reliability, environmental testing, and nanotechnology facilities that offers continuing education training, technical sessions, networking, and Working Group meetings. ESTECH continues to be the place to discuss critical topics and shape standards that impact our industry and the world at large. The conference offers technical training by notable experts, best practices, networking, regulatory updates, and a first look at new technologies and services. It is here where professionals of all career levels discover the latest, most reliable, and the best methods for impacting controlled environments, qualifying products, executing tests, and so much more.
November 10-13, 2025 - Schaumburg, Illinois
Put on by the world's leading standards development organization, EDUCON (formerly Fall Conference) is IEST’s fall education conference and working group summit.
Trainings, Webinars, Spotlights
IEST offers a number of live training courses, online training courses, in-depth interactive select site courses, custom training classes, and full-and half-day tutorials and seminars during ESTECH, the Fall Conference, and Space Simulation Conference. Find out more about our Contamination Control Training, Environmental Test and Reliability Training, Live Webinars, On-Demand Webinars, RP and ISO Webinar Spotlights, and Custom Training.
Monthly Meet-ups
These Monthly Meet-Ups are informal one-hour conversations about hot topics or current issues, with some months dedicated to open networking. They will be posted online as they are scheduled. You'll get to connect with peers to learn, ask questions, network, and provide feedback on hot topics and current issues.
Need to train your entire staff?
Check out our interactive select site courses, custom training classes, and full-and half-day tutorials and seminars during ESTECH, the EDUCON Fall Conference, and Space Simulation Conference.
Some programs are presented in conjunction with or in collaboration with other organization seminars and conferences. For information on hosting an IEST education program in conjunction with your seminar or organization, contact IEST.
January 27-30, 2025 • Miramar Beach, Florida
The annual Reliability and Maintainability Symposium provides a venue for professionals new to reliability and maintainability to receive a first-class introduction to the fundamental concepts and tools of assurance science. co-sponsored with IEST
Space Simulation Conference
October 21-24, 2024 • Annapolis, Maryland
The conference is a major international forum in space hardware environmental testing for research and development and qualification. It provides a unique opportunity for engineers and scientists from industry, government, and academia to present and exchange information and ideas on simulating the space environment to develop and test space mission hardware. co-sponsored with IEST
View the full IEST Calendar of Events
Find out more about non-IEST industry events. IEST is providing this information as a professional courtesy to our members and industry professionals. IEST does not endorse any of these events. Postings are included on a prearranged request-only basis.
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When you join IEST, you save on the education, publications, and career services you need to avoid errors and advance professionally.